Precious Connection®
New implant bridge with conventional benefits and lower metal costs

Rising Gold Prices and Dentistry
The rise in the price of gold has become a major challenge in the field of dentistry. In response, we introduce an innovative superstructure: Precious Connection ®. The concept of this superstructure inherits the advantages of the precious metal framework, significantly reducing only the cost of metals. Ready-made gold cylinders are combined with a safe and inexpensive cobalt-chromium alloy (Co-Cr) using our patented technology to combine the best of both materials.
The Versatile Cobalt-Chromium Alloy (Co-Cr)
Co-Cr exhibits remarkable strength and durability, making it an attractive alternative. Presious Connection® uses ready-made gold cylinder for the joint between the implant body and the framework, so there is no need to worry about the impact of the oxide film, which is one of the properties of Co-Cr, on accuracy.
Customization and Longevity
Flexibility is a hallmark of PreciousConnection®. Dentists can choose different facing materials depending on the patient's condition and preferences. Options include zirconia, porcelain, hybrid acrylic, and artificial teeth, etc. In addition, PreciousConnection® accommodates changes in oral condition over time. If you choose a screw-retained superstructure, you can freely respond to repairs and modifications. This means that patients can use their familiar bridge for a long time.
PreciousConnection® technology is patented in the following countries:
EU:3187143,(DEU, SWE, CHE)JP:5778841, AUS:2015326074
Participation in a poster presentation at EAO
Participate in poster presentation about the Metal-hybrid-superstructure (the technology applied to PreciousConnection®) at EAO* conference.
*European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) 24-26 Sep 2015 Stockholm, Sweden
Received the 2017 Outstanding Research Presentation Award at Japan Prosthodontic Society, Tokyo Branch. Nov. 2018.
Giving the presentation about the Metal-hybrid superstructure at the ISOI-DGZI-JAPAN annual meeting. Nov.2018
- Dental Outlook Vol.123 No.4 2014-4
- Japanese Society of Oral Implantology, Journal 2013, Vol. 26, No. 3, p. 425-432